Stepping down from the organization views into a specific network, Meraki’s integrated topology views can provide full-stack visibility for any Dashboard network containing MS switches. Using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) and Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) data reported by the devices in the network, the Meraki Dashboard is able to intelligently construct multiple types of topology maps to allow for a quick and up-to-date reference of the current deployment topology.

This feature is another location where the combined networks discussed in Chapter 2 bring some significant advantages when compared to a standalone network consisting of only a single device type. When working in a combined network, each Meraki device is able to report data back to the Dashboard regarding any network connections between devices, allowing for a more comprehensive view of the topology of the network.

As previously mentioned, the Dashboard is able to build multiple types of topology reports based on the information available for each network, including Layer 2, Layer 3, and multicast routing topologies. You can view all topologies by navigating to the Network-wide > Topology page from the related network.

Network-wide Layer 2 Topology

The Layer 2 topology diagram, an example of which is shown in Figure 3-23, is based on advertised LLDP and CDP data that has been learned and reported back to the Dashboard by Meraki devices. Through the use of this information, the Dashboard is able to present an automatically generated, dynamic, and interactive Layer 2 topology map of a network.

Figure 3-23 A Partial View of the Layer 2 Topology Diagram for the Meraki Corp Network

Pro Tip

Hovering over a device icon or link between devices provides more detailed information about the object and provides a direct link to that client, device, or related port.

This type of automatic and dynamic topology diagram can be immensely useful when attempting to track down a client or device, or when trying to determine the traffic flow/path of a given client. When looking at the Network-wide > Client Details page for any current client on the network, the most recent edge device closest to the client is listed as well as a link to the Layer 2 topology for the network, as shown in Figure 3-24. Clicking that link will automatically highlight the path through the network to the client in question, like the example shown in Figure 3-25.

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